HERO: Shotguns

Basic Shotgun:
+2 OCV, +1 STUNx, Reduced by Range, Reduced Penetration, Limited Range (40m), Requires Hands:
Two-Handed, STR Minimum, Real Weapon

This assumes an “open” choke and combat shot.

Size Damage STR
.410   1d6+1 8

28g    1 1/2d6 9

20g    2d6 10

16g    2d6+1 11

12g    2 1/2d6 12

10g    3d6 13

4g     3 1/2d6 15

Magnum loads add +1 damage class

Choke Settings
  • 1/2 Choke reduces OCV bonus to +1 but preserves damage for 1 range increment (see Reduced by Range).
  • Full Choke reduces OCV bonus to +0 but preserves damage for 2 range increments.
Reduced by Range limitation for more information about losing damage over range.

  • Remove the following limitations: No Range Modifier, Reduced by Range, Reduced Penetration, Limited Range (40m)
  • Remove the OCV bonus.
Thus a 12g shotgun is: 2 1/2d6K, +1 STUNx

Sawed-Off Shotguns

The primary advantage of sawed-off shotguns is their maneuverability and concealability. The spread pattern does not change all that much. The Concealment modifier for hiding a Shotgun is +4 to +7, depending on its size. Using the standard gauges above, a 4g would be +7, 10-12g +6, 16-20g +5, and 28g-.410 +4. Converting such a weapon to a sawed-off would reduce this modifier. The reduced size allows their use in close combat (even while grabbed) without penalty, much like a pistol.
  • Conealment Modifier drops by 2
  • STR Min drops by 1
  • Mass drops by 25%
  • Remove the limitation Required Hands: Two-Handed (-½)
  • Weapon size is now “short”
  • OCV bonus is reduced to +1 with no choke control