09 – Codex

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When the Enaros performed the Malanoor it left the Enari without magic. Sensing their celestial children would be lost without some amount of power however, the Enaros decided to share their own essence in a way that would allow them to control how that essence was to be used. This gift, known as channeling, is the ability to draw divine essence directly from the Enaros to create miraculous effects in the physical world.

The Art of Channeling

When a channeler intones an orison he does not envision detailed formulas or act out carefully rehearsed movements and gestures. Instead, he clears his mind and focuses on his patron Enaros. He may use special prayers, raise his hands to the heavens, or fall to his knees, but these are simply tools to help clear his mind and train his thoughts on the Enaros.

The channeler then focuses on his desire, prays for it with his whole heart and, if his devotion is strong, the thing he has envisioned comes to pass. Ask a channeler how it happens and he will not know. It simply is as the Enaros wish it.


Orisons are the divine powers that a channeler intones to create his miracles. While orisons are not learned like arcane spell formulas, a channeler still requires basic instruction to properly intone a specific divine effect.

Although channelers are best at intoning orisons whose power sourced from their patron Enaros, they may learn orisons sourced from any of the Enaros. As long as a channeler is in good standing with the patron Enaros and knows the proper canon there is no reason he may not attempt to intone the orison.

These rules also recognize the various levels of devotion based on the abilities possessed by the channeler. For example, a Favored is someone with the Sanctified Talent plus Piety with the patron Enaros. The term channeler applies equally to all.

Abilities                                     Devotion
None                 Mundane
Channeling skill     Devoted
Sanctified talent    Favored
    plus Piety skill with patron Enaros

The term “patron Enaros” refers to the specific Enaros from whom a specific power is sourced or channeled. For example, Alantra is the patron Enaros for all healing powers.

Holy Symbols

The holy symbol is the key conduit between the channeler and the enaros. All holy symbols incorporate the symbol of Divinity, the blazing sign of Lensae minus the fallen son of Endroren. This forms the foundation of the symbol. To this are added the symbols of the various Enaros with which the channeler possesses piety. The symbols borne by Hierophants are even more extravagant and venerate their patron deity even more.

Without a holy symbol the channeler may still intone an orison, but the time involved increases greatly.

When a channeler wishes to intone an orison he performs the Channeling Maneuver. This maneuver can be performed either in or out of combat. All orisons require Gestures (one-hand free or performed with a held focus), Incantations (normal voice), and a Focus (Holy Symbol) or suffer negative modifiers.

To channel an orison the player makes a Channeling Skill roll, adding any Orison Skill Levels and Piety if appropriate. The intonation may be performed in one of two ways: Cant or Prayer.


Cants are the most common method of intoning divine power, requiring a Half Phase non-attack action with Concentration (1/2 DCV). They are characterized by repetition of scripture with a wide range of tonal emphasis. Canted orisons are quick to manifest, but are not the most powerful of channels. Additionally, blessings and boons are never bestowed as a cant.

Holy Symbol: Without the holy symbol cants take 1 turn to channel.


Prayers require a greater amount of time and effort to perform, and are required for all blessings and boons. They are characterized by Total Concentration (0 DCV), most often in the form of kneeling, and intoning for a Full Phase action. The orison is then ready to be used at the beginning of the character’s next phase.

Intoning an orison which is not a boon or a blessing as a prayer will improve the Channeling roll by +2.

Holy Symbol: Without the holy symbol prayers take 1 minute to channel.

Channeling Modifiers

Modifier                             Roll      Effect

Bereft (no focus) -0   Disfavor doubled;Cants require 1 Turn, Prayers 1 Minute
Pensive           +1   Per 2 steps on the time chart; bonus to Repent if prior to Castigation
Player Cant       +1   Player delivers appropriate soliloquy
Praying           +2   Full Concentration (0 DCV, 1 Full Phase)

Bereft applies when the channeler has lost his Holy Symbol. Cants and Prayers take longer to complete, and any Disfavor incurred during the channeling is doubled.

Pensive channeling provides a bonus per 2 steps on the time chart (e.g. cants: 1 turn, 5 minutes, 1 hour; prayers: 1 minute, 20 minutes, 6 hours). This bonus also applies

to Theology if the channeler must Repent.

Player Cant provides a bonus if the player speaks aloud an appropriate cant asking the divinity for the power.

Praying provides a bonus if a Cant is intoned as a Prayer (Full Phase, 0 DCV).

Cant Only Options

Modifier                Roll     Effect

Defensive    -2   Full DCV
Moving       -2   Full Move, -2 OCV
Running      -4   Full noncombat Move, -4 OCV

Defensive channelers can perform a cant at full DCV.

Moving allows a channeler to perform a Full Move while intoning a cant, suffering a penalty of -2 to Channeling and OCV.

Running allows noncombat movement at a greater penalty than the Moving modifier.

Targeting Orisons

Orisons are targeted using the OCV of the caster versus the DCV of the target.

Range and Line of Sight

In general, all orisons require line of sight to target and suffer no range penalties.

Devotion        Standard    Limited           Thrown

Devoted             135m              45m                15m

Favored             180m              60m                20m


A successful Channeling roll indicates the granting of power as requested. However, the more a channeler draws from a particular Enaros, the less likely they will be able to channel from that Enaros again. The measure of this likelihood is called Disfavor. As Disfavor increases, the channeler incurs a penalty to the Channeling roll.


Disfavor is incurred when they require more power from an Enaros more than was granted. Every channeling effort increases Disafavor (DIS) with the patron Enaros by 1 per point of Magnitude (MAG) of the channeled Orison. This is reduced by 1 point per point of success on the Channeling roll. For every 2 full points of Disfavor the channeler currently has with a specific Enaros he suffers a -1 to all Channeling rolls when channeling an orison from that Enaros until the next rising of Lensae.

Routine Channel

All channelers are limited in the amount of power they can channel safely based on how devoted they are to the patron Enaros and the complexity of the orison.

Devotion             Standard         Complex
Devoted                        4                         2
Favored                         7                         4

The codex identifies Complex spells in the “Class” description in parenthesis.

Failed Channel

Failing the Channeling roll simply means the orison is not manifested and Disfavor increases with the patron Enaros by 1 plus 1 for every 2 points of failure unless the channeler is Sanctified, in which case there is no Disfavor.

Blessed Channel

The channeling is performed perfectly and the orison is intoned with little or no effort. The orison either does not increase Disfavor or increases it by half the normal amount (minimum 1) and it is intoned at maximum effect (channeler’s choice).

Additionally, the target of the orison receives +1 to his next action, having been temporarily blessed by the patron Enaros. If the action is very appropriate for the patron Enaros’ purposes this bonus is increased to +2. If the next action requires only an effect roll (e.g. contest of STR or a PRE attack) the bonus is an additional +1d6 of effect (+2d6 if directly serving the Enaros’ purposes).

Relieving Disfavor

Once per day per Enaros the channeler may attempt to appease a god and relieve some Disfavor. This ritual prayer requires 1 Turn at 0 DCV. Failure consumes 5 minutes of time and provides no bonus to the attempt.

The channeler then attempts a Theology + Piety roll (use PRE roll -3 if no Theology). Success removes 1 Disfavor, plus 1 additional per 2 success.

Regardless, all Disfavor with all Enaros is relieved at dawn.

The Enaros

This is the Highhome, the Divine Center, and the Origin, reflecting the gestalt power of all the gods. It forms the foundation of enarosian religious practice. The symbol shows a single ray for each of the Enaros, excluding Endroren, whose light no longer shines from Lensae. All intonations of light and goodness have their origin here.

Aelos, Keeper of Mysteries

Aelos is the Enaros of the night, mystery, and the dead. All the spirits of the world are her wards, caring for them until they reach their final rest in the Vault of Souls on Narosia’s moon Numos. Aelos is the patron of sleuths, spirit-guides, and necromancers.

Alantra, the Great Mother

The eldest of the Enaros, Alantra is the embodiment of healing, fertility, and protection. She is the Enaros of the hearth and home, and the chosen Enaros of the Tsaals. She is the patron of those providing safety and protection.

Droth, Lord of Trial

War, hardship, and challenge are all the domains of Droth. Despite the sorrow often associated with his work he is not considered evil. Only through trial can one grow to their strongest potential, and thus trial is simply a necessity of life. He is the chosen Enaros of the Drothmal and the patron of warriors.

Elendra, the Muse

Elendra is the patron of bards and the protector of true love. She is beautiful, wise, and full of love for all things. Artists believe that she provides the inspiration for all art, regardless of form or scope. She also embodies commitment, and so her name is often called upon at weddings and in contractual agreements. She is the chosen Enaros of the Elliya.

Endroren, Lord of Darkness

Endroren transcends the mortal understanding of evil: embodying a perfect, timeless, and infinite evil simply known as Darkness. Originally Lord of Sorcery, Endroren became the master of cruelty, deception, and slavery when he embraced Darkness. He is the chosen Enaros of all endrori and the patron of all who walk in the shadows.

Grethken, Father of the Forest

Grethken is the embodiment of plants, earth, harvest and the wilderness. His strength gives life to the forests and bountiful growth to farmers’ fields. He is Lord of the harvest and is celebrated every autumn for his gifts. He is often venerated with his lover, Vale, as the keepers of the wilds. Grethken is the chosen Enaros of the Tsaals and patron of rangers and scouts.

Larayil, Sky Keeper

Larayil is the mistress of winds, impulse of action, and queen of the sky. She is also the patron of archers and sailors. Like the wind she is fickle, changeable, and can be incredibly powerful if brought to a fury. She also embodies superficial beauty. Larayil is the chosen Enaros of the Faelariya.

Modren, Forge Master

As the Forge Master, Modren embodies construction, fire, and order. He is the keeper of the Solar Forge and is the smith of Lensae. He makes ideas real and turns chaos into order. His power cleanses through fire or transformation, as he is the patron of renewal and craftsman. He was the chosen Enaros of the Tsverg until the Age of Darkness.

Phensral, the Sea Father

Father of the Sea, Phensral is the master of waves and water. From the smallest river to the raging torrent he is their lord and keeper. His power ranges from the crush of waves upon the shore to the trickle that eventually carves a valley. He is also the embodiment of change and thus the patron of all who seek new experiences.

Toletren, Lord of Knowledge

Lord of Knowledge, Toletren is the Keeper of History, the Master of Logic and the Watcher. Toletren embodies truth in its rawest form and his guidance is sought whenever answers must be found. He is the judge of facts and conclusions, without the concept of vengeful justice. What others do with the truth is of little concern to him. Although he did not create them, Toletren has become the chosen Enaros of the Newardin. Toletren is also the patron of essence shapers since the arrival of the Atlan.

Vale, the Huntress

All the beasts of Narosia are the children of Vale. She is their keeper and protector and she assumes their form to move among them. Her heart is feral and she embodies instinct. Violence is in her nature only in so far as it is a part of the natural order. Vale is the chosen Enaros of the Loriya and the patron to shepherds, hunters, and beastmasters.

Zevas, the Lord of Webs

Zevas embodies planning, commerce, and illusion. He is the master of the Web of Fate and can navigate its strings better than any other Enaros. He is the patron of merchants and diplomats but also of thieves. This has caused the people of Narosia to be wary of him even if they still respect him as an Enaros, although the Cheebat seem to favor him more than any other Enaros.

The Orison Template

This book uses a standard format to present all orisons. Each formatting entry is described below.

Target specifies Self, Accurate (target DCV is always 3), Single (any single point or character), or Area. Area is defined in the spell description.

Range can be Self, No Range, Touch, Limited, Standard, or Thrown.

Duration can be Instant or Constant, and possibly Boon, Blessing, or Extended Blessing.

Boons are usable once at any point in the future, or until the next sunrise.

Blessings are usable at any time in the future, or until the next sunrise. However, after the first use the blessing begins to fade. Starting at 14-, the target rolls immediately after the first use. If successful, the orison remains in effect for one more use, otherwise the orison fades. Each subsequent use requires a roll at a cumulative -1 per use (this is the same as the Burnout option for the Requires a Roll Limitation). Constant duration defensive powers count a “use” as every time the defensive power is applied (e.g. to stop damage). If a defensive power is unused after it is initially activated it fades just as any other Constant powers.

All other Constant duration powers count a “use” as a step down the time chart with the roll decreasing at twice the penalty (-2) per step.

Extended Blessings cover a single task or skill roll with a specific duration defined in the text, but no greater than until the next sunrise.

Tone may be Cant, or Prayer.

Class defines whether the orison is an Offensive, Defensive, or Utility orison, and whether or not it is Complex.

Description is the block of text immediately below the orison information block and summarizes the overall game effect and utility of the orison.

Magnitude summarizes the effect of the orison when channeled at different Magnitudes.

Effect is the game effect of the orison.

Codex of Aelos

Blessing of the Keeper of Mysteries (Aelos)

Target:         Single

Range:           Touch

Duration:     Blessing

Tone:              Prayer

Class:            Defensive (Complex)


Aelos keeps a watchful eye on the blessed and reveals just enough mystery of the danger to allow the blessed to avoid it. 


Common Modifiers:

    Prayer (Extra Time (Full Phase), Concentration (0 DCV); -1/2) 

    Usable On Others (+1/2) 

    Costs To Activate (-1/4) 

    Blessing (Uncontrolled) (14- Burnout; -2 per step on Time Chart after first use; +0) 



2       Danger Sense (self only, in combat, Function as a Sense, Intuitional) 11- 

3       Danger Sense (self only, out of combat, Function as a Sense, Intuitional) 14- 

4       Danger Sense (self only, out of combat, Function as a Sense) 14- 

Deathshroud (Aelos)


Range:           Touch

Duration:     Blessing

Tone:              Prayer

Class:            Utility (Complex)


Under the care of Aelos, the blessed appears to be dead until the appointed time defined as he slips into the facade of death.


Common Modifiers:

    Prayer (Extra Time (Full Phase), Concentration (0 DCV); -1/2) 

    Usable On Others (+1/2) 

    Costs To Activate (-1/4) 

    Boon (Trigger) (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger can expire (next sunrise); +1/4) 



1       Simulate Death (+4 to roll) 

2       Simulate Death (+9 to roll) 

4       Simulate Death (+9 to roll) plus LS (Safe in Intense Cold: Immune to Cold; Safe in Intense Heat: Immune to Heat) 

Moonfire (Aelos)


Range:           Standard

Duration:     Instant

Tone:              Cant

Class:            Offensive


Searing moonlight streams from the channelers eyes into the eyes of his target.


Common Modifiers:

    Limited Range (-1/4) 



2       Sight Group Flash 1d6 plus Drain STUN and END 0 1/2d6, Expanded Effect (END Drained = STUN Drained) (+1/4) 

3       Sight Group Flash 1d6 plus Drain STUN and END 1d6, Expanded Effect (END Drained = STUN Drained) (+1/4) 

4       Sight Group Flash 3d6 plus Drain STUN and END 1d6, Expanded Effect (END Drained = STUN Drained) (+1/4) 

5       Sight Group Flash 3d6 plus Drain STUN and END 1 1/2d6, Expanded Effect (END Drained = STUN Drained) (+1/4) 

6       Sight Group Flash 4 1/2d6 plus Drain STUN and END 1 1/2d6, Expanded Effect (END Drained = STUN Drained) (+1/4) 

7       Sight Group Flash 4 1/2d6 plus Drain STUN and END 2d6, Expanded Effect (END Drained = STUN Drained) (+1/4) 

Moonlight (Aelos)


Range:           Standard

Duration:     Extended Blessing

Tone:              Prayer

Class:            Offensive/Utility (Complex)


The channeler illuminates the surrounding area to provide dim moonlight, eliminating some darkness penalties. Beyond the area of the orison there is no bonus to PER to offset darkness penalties, but any character with Moonvision will be able to see perfectly out to double the radius: 32 (64m).


Common Modifiers:

    Prayer (Extra Time (Full Phase), Concentration (0 DCV); -1/2) 

    Costs Only To Activate (+1/4) 

    Blessing (Uncontrolled) (14- Burnout; -2 per step on Time Chart after first use; +1/2) 

    Moonlight Only (-1) 

    Extended Blessing (First Burnout Roll is at 1 Minute; +1/2) 

    Normal Sight Only (-1/2) 

    Indirect (Source Point can vary from use to use, path is from Source Point to target; +1/2) 



3       Sight Group Images, +/-2 to PER Rolls, Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +1/4) 

4       Sight Group Images, +/-2 to PER Rolls, Area Of Effect (8m Radius; +1 1/4), Mobile (24m per Phase; +3/4) 


Numosfire (Aelos)

Target:          Single

Range:           Limited

Duration:     Instant

Tone:              Cant

Class:            Offensive


A focused beam of divine moonlight destroying any spiritual abomination it hits.


Common Modifiers:

    Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Power Defense; +1) 

    Does BODY (+1) 

    Affects Desolidified Spirits (+1/4) 

    Spirits & Undead Only (-1) 

    Limited Range (-1/4) 

    Cannot Use Targeting (-1/2) 

    Beam (-1/4) 

    Perceivable (-1/4) 



1       RKA 1 point (PowD) 

2       RKA 1/2d6 (PowD) 

3       RKA 1d6 (PowD) 

+1      plus +1 DC

Recall Spirit (Aelos)


Range:           Touch

Duration:     Instant

Tone:              Prayer

Class:            Utility


This orison will restore life to the lifeless provided the target has not been dead for more than REC in Turns, or the soul will have passed on to Numos or possibly become lost. The result of the dice must total 2xBODY of the target in a single roll. This restores the target’s soul, and enough BODY to be alive (typically -BODY) and -30 STUN. However, the cause of death must be healed as well, which can be especially challenging if the target was killed with a Disabling wound to the Chest, Vitals, or Head. Additionally, if any other wounds exist they will immediately return to their pre-death state, possibly bleeding anew, and must be treated as normal.


Common Modifiers:

    Prayer (Extra Time (Full Phase), Concentration (0 DCV); -1/2) 

    All Or Nothing (-1/2) 

    Recently Dead Into Barely Alive With Spirit (Character cannot be dead for more than REC in Turns; +0) 



1       Severe Transform 1d6 

2       Severe Transform 1 1/2d6 

3       Severe Transform 2d6 

4       Severe Transform 3d6 

5       Severe Transform 3 1/2d6 

6       Severe Transform 4d6+1 

7       Severe Transform 5d6 

Reveal Secrets (Aelos)


Range:           Touch

Duration:     Boon

Tone:              Prayer

Class:            Utility (Complex)


This boon allows the blessed to see all the secrets in his field of vision during a single Phase. Any secret that is perceived via a successful PER roll becomes visible to all as it radiates a soft moonlight. The basic version of the orison will only the reveal the location of the secret. If the orison is Discriminatory, it will show the exact nature of the secret but not necessarily how to access it. If the orison has Analyze all aspects of the secret will be revealed. If Partially Penetrating, the orison will find secrets hidden inside other things provided those objects are not made of lead, deadsteel, shielded by active essence effects, or more than 12cm (5in) in stone or earth.


Common Modifiers:

    Prayer (Extra Time (Full Phase), Concentration (0 DCV); -1/2) 

    Boon (Trigger) (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger can expire (next sunrise); +1/4) 

    Usable On Others (+1/2) 

    Costs To Activate (-1/4) 

    Perceivable (+0) 



2       Detect Anything Deliberately Hidden 11- (Sight Group), Telescopic:  +4 

3       Detect Anything Deliberately Hidden 11- (Sight Group), Partially Penetrative, Telescopic:  +4 

4       Detect Anything Deliberately Hidden 11- (Sight Group), Discriminatory, Partially Penetrative, Telescopic:  +4 

Shining Life (Aelos)


Range:           Limited

Duration:     Instant

Tone:              Cant

Class:            Offensive


The target area is filled with divine moonlight, destroying any spiritual abomination therein, even if the spirit has no physical form.


Common Modifiers:

    Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Power Defense; +1) 

    Does BODY (+1) 

    Affects Desolidified Spirits (+1/4) 

    Spirits & Undead Only (-1) 

    Limited Range (-1/4) 

    Cannot Use Targeting (-1/2) 

    Perceivable (-1/4) 

    Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +1/4) 

    Indirect (Source Point can vary from use to use, path is from Source Point to target; +1/2) 



1       RKA 1 point (PowD) 

3       RKA 1/2d6 (PowD) 

4       RKA 1d6 (PowD) 

5       RKA 1d6+1 (PowD) 

7       RKA 1 1/2d6 (PowD) 

Vision of Death (Aelos)


Range:           Touch

Duration:     Instant

Tone:              Cant

Class:            Offensive


Through the channeler Aelos shares a glimpse of the target’s death with him, causing extreme fear.


Common Modifiers:

    Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2) 

    No Range (-1/2) 



1       Drain PRE 0 1/2d6 (PRE) 

2       Drain PRE 1d6 (PRE) 

+1      plus Drain PRE 0 1/2d6 (PRE) 

+2      plus Drain PRE 1d6 (PRE) 


Codex of Alantra

Cleansing (Alantra)


Range:           Touch

Duration:     Blessing

Tone:              Prayer

Class:            Utility (Complex)


This orison suspends the effects of any disease and prevents further infection. The boon is triggered by exposure to disease, at which point the blessing begins to fade. Any active diseases are immediately Dispelled if the disease is resisted with Life Support, but any damage that has been suffered remains.


Common Modifiers:

    Prayer (Extra Time (Full Phase), Concentration (0 DCV); -1/2) 

    Usable On Others (+1/2) 

    Costs To Activate (-1/4) 

    Blessing (Uncontrolled) (14- Burnout; -2 per step on Time Chart after first use; +0) 

    Boon (Trigger) (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger can expire (next sunrise); +1/4) 



1       LS (Immunity: Rabies) 

1       LS (Immunity: Fungal Infections) 

2       LS (Immunity: Bacterial Infections) 

3       LS (Immunity: Viral Infections) 

4       LS (Immunity: All Diseases)

Invigoration (Alantra)


Range:           Touch

Duration:     Instant

Tone:              Cant

Class:            Utility (Complex)


This orison has many uses ranging from bolstering those in battle to helping the incapacitated heal themselves by temporarily putting them in a recovery state where they can use their personal REC. In addition, this orison temporarily restores END equal to twice the amount of STUN rolled, unless the target is still below 0 STUN after the orison is applied. For example, if a character is at -50 STUN they would normally be unable to recover without the use of a healing orison. Yet generating 50 points of STUN healing in a single orison is quite challenging only the most blessed of healers would be capable. Using Invigoration a channeler would be able to easily put the target at -30 STUN (and have no effect on END), at which point the target would be able to recover normally before the additional STUN from the orison faded.


Common Modifiers:

    Only Restores To Starting Values (-1/2) 

    Simple STUN/END (END recovered is 2x STUN rolled; +0) 



1       Aid STUN (END x2) 1 1/2d6  

2       Aid STUN (END x2) 3d6  

3       Aid STUN (END x2) 4d6+1  

4       Aid STUN (END x2) 5 1/2d6  

Mass Invigoration (Alantra)

          Area (8m radius)

Range:           Area

Duration:     Instant

Tone:              Cant

Class:            Utility (Complex)


An area version of Invigration, the Selective and Accurate nature of this orison allows the channeler to affect only those targets he wishes without making an attack roll.


Common Modifiers:

    Only Restores To Starting Values (-1/2) 

    Simple STUN/END (END recovered is 2x STUN rolled; +0) 

    Area Of Effect Accurate (8m Radius; +3/4), Selective (+1/4) 



1       Aid STUN (END x2) 0 1/2d6  

2       Aid STUN (END x2) 1 1/2d6  

3       Aid STUN (END x2) 2d6  

4       Aid STUN (END x2) 2 1/2d6  

Protection of the Mother (Alantra)


Range:           Touch

Duration:     Blessing

Tone:              Prayer

Class:            Defensive (Complex)


This orison attracts the watchful eye of Alantra. Once blessed, Alantra will extend her care to protect the blessed during a single action. Additionally, this orison is often used as the defense against many temple protections found in ancient temples, which often have the Limitation “Negated By Protection of [Enaros]”.


Common Modifiers:

    Boon (Trigger) (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger can expire (next sunrise); +1/4) 

    Prayer (Extra Time (Full Phase), Concentration (0 DCV); -1/2) 

    Blessing (Uncontrolled) (14- Burnout; -2 per step on Time Chart after first use; +1/4) 

    Usable On Others (+1/2) 

    Costs To Activate (-1/4) 

    Defensive Actions Only (-1) 



2       +1 Overall 

3       +2 Overall 

Purification (Alantra)


Range:           Touch

Duration:     Blessing

Tone:              Prayer

Class:            Utility (Complex)


This orison suspends the effects of any poison and prevents further intoxication. The boon is triggered by exposure to poison, at which point the blessing begins to fade. Any active poisons are immediately Dispelled if the poison is resisted with Life Support, but any damage that has been suffered remains.


Common Modifiers:

    Prayer (Extra Time (Full Phase), Concentration (0 DCV); -1/2) 

    Usable On Others (+1/2) 

    Costs To Activate (-1/4) 

    Blessing (Uncontrolled) (14- Burnout; -2 per step on Time Chart after first use; +0) 

    Boon (Trigger) (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger can expire (next sunrise); +1/4) 



1       LS (Immunity: Haemotoxins) 

1       LS (Immunity: Microbe Toxins) 

2       LS (Immunity: Phytotoxins) 

2       LS (Immunity: Neuro Toxins) 

3       LS (Immunity: Zootoxins) 

4       LS (Immunity: All Poisons)

Rejuvination (Alantra)


Range:           Touch

Duration:     Instant

Tone:              Prayer

Class:            Utility


This orison will restore a character’s physical form to its natural state. Any lost limbs, organs, physical deformities, poorly healed wounds, blindness, deafness or the like will be repaired and the target will be restored to his original state. This cannot undo birth defects but will heal damage sustained during the birthing process. This orison does not heal damage, it only removes Physical Limitations, Impairing, or Disabling effects. Normally the Transform dice need to total twice the target’s BODY to affect the target, but Imparing effects and 10-point Physical Complications can be transformed if the Transform dice total the target’s BODY (not 2x BODY).


Common Modifiers:

    All or Nothing (-1/2) 

    Prayer (Extra Time (Full Phase), Concentration (0 DCV); -1/2) 

    Improved Results Group (+1) 

    No Range (-1/2) 



1       Major Transform 0 1/2d6 

2       Major Transform 1d6+1 

3       Major Transform 2d6 

4       Major Transform 2 1/2d6 

5       Major Transform 3d6+1 

6       Major Transform 4d6 

7       Major Transform 4 1/2d6 

Restoration (Alantra)


Range:           Touch

Duration:     Instant

Tone:              Prayer

Class:            Utility


This orison restores any single characteristic that is below its starting value. BODY and STUN damage cannot be restored with this orison unless they were reduced by Adjustment Powers. The standard rules for Repeated Healing (6E1 232) apply.


Common Modifiers:

    Prayer (Extra Time (Full Phase), Concentration (0 DCV); -1/2) 

    Characteristics modified by Adjustment Powers (+1/2) 



1       Healing 0 1/2d6 

+1      plus Healing 0 1/2d6

Simple Healing (Alantra)


Range:           Touch

Duration:     Instant

Tone:              Cant

Class:            Utility


The most basic of healing orisons, this is most often used to revive someone who is unconscious (e.g. excessive STUN) or when healing is needed in haste (e.g. in combat). Multiple intonations of this orison within a five minute period can only maximize the STUN healing — BODY healing must still be healed all or nothing with a single intonation, although if a subsequent intonation would heal more BODY the higher value can be applied (if a previous healing did not actually heal the BODY of a lesser wound).


Common Modifiers:

    Wounds Only (No Adjustment Powers) (-1/2) 

    Decreased Re-use Duration (+1) 

    All Or Nothing For BODY (Cannot Heal BODY Of Impairing/Disabling Wounds; -1/2) 



1       Healing Simple 0 1/2d6  

+1      plus Healing Simple 0 1/2d6 

Wound Repair (Alantra)


Range:           Touch

Duration:     Instant

Tone:              Prayer

Class:            Utility


A more advanced form of healing, this orison is far more effective in healing more grievous injury than Simple Healing. A casualty may benefit from both Wound Repair and Simple Healing at the same time. To heal an Impairing or Disabling wound the healer must succeed at a Healing skill roll, with a penalty of -1 per 2 full points of BODY damage in the wound. Success will heal (remove) the Impairing or Disabling effect if the result of the Healing dice is sufficient to heal the wound. Failure will still allow the wound to be healed, if the dice roll is sufficient, but the Impairing or Disabling effect becomes permanent. A healer may attempt a subsequent SS: Medicine roll to see that the wound is not going to heal properly and stop the prayer. This has no adverse affect other than the time and potential Disfavor from the initial prayer, and the healer may try again. A healer may use herbs, medicines, and tools to improve his Healing skill roll during the prayer.


Common Modifiers:

    All or Nothing (-1/2) 

    Decreased Re-use Duration (+1) 

    Prayer (Extra Time (Full Phase), Concentration (0 DCV); -1/2) 

    Requires A Roll (Healing roll; Required To Heal Impairing/Disabling Wounds; -1/2) 



1       Healing BODY 0 1/2d6  

2       Healing BODY 1 1/2d6  

3       Healing BODY 2d6  

4       Healing BODY 2 1/2d6  

5       Healing BODY 3d6+1  

6       Healing BODY 4d6  

7       Healing BODY 4 1/2d6  


Codex of Modren

Blessing of the Forgefather (Modren)


Range:           Touch

Duration:     Blessing

Tone:              Prayer

Class:            Defensive (Complex)


This prayer bestowes a blessing that will shield the recipient from the intense heat of the forge of the world. While it does not prevent damage from fire spells, the protection it offers can be significant.


Common Modifiers:

    Prayer (Extra Time (Full Phase), Concentration (0 DCV); -1/2) 

    Usable On Others (+1/2) 

    Blessing (Uncontrolled) (14- Burnout; -2 per step on Time Chart after first use; +0) 

    Costs To Activate (-1/4) 



2       LS (Safe in Intense Heat Immune to Heat) 

+2      plus Protects Carried Items  

+1      plus x2 Targets for Blessing of the Forgefather

Forgefire (Modren)


Range:           Touch

Duration:     Instant

Tone:              Cant

Class:            Offensive


The channeler’s hand or weapon becomes as hot as the divine forge. Those protected from the heat of a forge are spared.


Common Modifiers:

    Life Support (Safe In Extreme Heat) Negates (-1/4) 

    +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4) 

    No Range (-1/2) 

    Armor Piercing (x3; +3/4) 



1       RKA 1 point (ED) 

2       RKA 1/2d6 (ED) 

3       RKA 1d6 (ED) 

5       RKA 1d6+1 (ED) 

6       RKA 1 1/2d6 (ED) 

7       RKA 2d6 (ED) 

Mastercraft (Modren)


Range:           Touch

Duration:     Boon/Fade 2.5 DEX & 5 INT per 6 Hours

Tone:              Prayer

Class:            Defensive (Complex)


Modrens grace aggrivates the imperfections of any weapon attempting to strike the blessed, causing the weapon to strike harmlessly or miss altogether.


Common Modifiers:

    Prayer (Extra Time (Full Phase), Concentration (0 DCV); -1/2) 

    Boon (Trigger) (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger can expire (next sunrise); +1/4) 

    Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 6 Hours; +2) 

    Expanded Effect (x2 Characteristics or Powers simultaneously) (+1/2) 

    Only For Crafting, Tool-use, Or Object Creation/Manipulation. (-1) 



1       Aid DEX & INT 0 1/2d6 (standard effect: +1 DEX, +2 INT)  

2       Aid DEX & INT 1d6+1 (standard effect: +2 DEX, +4 INT)  

3       Aid DEX & INT 1 1/2d6 (standard effect: +2 DEX, +5 INT)  

4       Aid DEX & INT 2 1/2d6 (standard effect: +4 DEX, +8 INT)  

Masterwork (Modren)

          Single Object

Range:           Touch

Duration:     Boon/Fades 1 effect per Minute

Tone:              Cant

Class:            Offensive/Utility (Complex)


Modren’s blessing provides a vision of weapon’s potential as a mastery of craftsmanship, improving the overall quality of the target weapon.


Common Modifiers:

    Boon (Trigger) (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger can expire (next sunrise); +1/4) 

    Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1) 

    One Use At A Time (-1) 

    Prayer (Extra Time (Full Phase), Concentration (0 DCV); -1/2) 

    Only When Using Target Object To Attack (-1/2) 

    Weapon Traits (+1/2) 

    Each Effect Can Be Selected Only Once (-1/4) 



+2      plus Aid 1 1/2d6 (choose 1 effect: +1 OCV, +2 PSL, +5 Initiative, -5 STR Minimum)

Mend (Modren)


Range:           Touch

Duration:     Instant

Tone:              Prayer

Class:            Utility


This prayer allows a channeler to restore crafted objects to their original state. Crafted objects include all things worked by hand or tool. Repairs may only be made to that which has been transformed by skill. This means all metal objects, seams, joints, fasteners and such can be repaired, while tears in cloth, splintered wood or beams, and shattered stone cannot. A block wall could be partially repaired if the blocks are intact, but since the stone was more or less in a natural state the stone itself cannot be repaired. It is the craftsmanship that is being restored not necessarily the integrity of the object.


Common Modifiers:

    Prayer (Extra Time (Full Phase), Concentration (0 DCV); -1/2) 

    Crafted Object BODY Only (+0) 

    All or Nothing (-1/2) 

    Decreased Re-use Duration (+1) 



1       Healing BODY 0 1/2d6  

2       Healing BODY 1d6  

+1      plus Healing BODY 0 1/2d6  

+2      plus Healing BODY 1d6 

Proof From Fire (Modren)


Range:           Touch

Duration:     Blessing

Tone:              Prayer

Class:            Defensive (Complex)


This prayer bestowes a blessing that will shield the recipient from the intense heat of the forge of the world. While it does not prevent damage from fire spells, the protection it offers can be significant.


Common Modifiers:

    Prayer (Extra Time (Full Phase), Concentration (0 DCV); -1/2) 

    Usable On Others (+1/2) 

    Blessing (Uncontrolled) (14- Burnout; -2 per step on Time Chart after first use; +0) 

    Costs To Activate (-1/4) 

    Only Versus Fire/Heat Attacks (-1/2) 

    Hardened (x2; +1/2) 

    Impenetrable (+1/2) 



1       Resistant Protection (4 ED) 

2       Resistant Protection (6 ED) 

3       Resistant Protection (10 ED) 

4       Resistant Protection (12 ED) 

+3      plus Protects Carried Items

Sunder (Modren)


Range:           Limited

Duration:     Instant

Tone:              Cant

Class:            Offensive


This cant unmakes that which has been crafted. As the object begins to fall apart, those around the object will have a single Segment in which to react, allowing those on a bridge to leap to saftey for example. Crafted objects include all things worked by hand or tool. Destruction may only be rendered to that which has been transformed by skill. This means all metal objects, seams, joints, fasteners, woven cloth and such can be destroyed. It is the craftsmanship that is being undone and not necessarily the integrity of the object.


Common Modifiers:

    Limited Range (-1/4) 

    Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Power Defense (Mystic Defense +0); +1) 

    Does BODY (+1) 

    Crafted Objects Only (-1 1/2) 

    Extra Time (Extra Segment, Only to Activate, -1/4) 



1       RKA 1 point (Power Defense (Mystic Defense +0)) 

5       RKA 1 1/2d6 (Power Defense (Mystic Defense +0)) 

3       RKA 1d6 (Power Defense (Mystic Defense +0)) 

+3      plus RKA 1d6 (Power Defense (Mystic Defense +0))

Weaponweird (Modren)


Range:           Touch

Duration:     Boon/Fade 1 DCV per Minute

Tone:              Prayer

Class:            Defensive (Complex)


Modrens grace aggrivates the imperfections of any weapon attempting to strike the blessed, causing the weapon to strike harmlessly or miss altogether.


Common Modifiers:

    Prayer (Extra Time (Full Phase), Concentration (0 DCV); -1/2) 

    Boon (Trigger) (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger can expire (next sunrise); +1/4) 

    Only Versus Crafted Object Attacks (-1) 

    Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1) 



1       Aid DCV 1d6+1 (standard effect: +0)  

2       Aid DCV 2d6+1 (standard effect: +1)  

3       Aid DCV 3d6 (standard effect: +1)  

4       Aid DCV 4d6 (standard effect: +2)