Divine Influence

Divine Intervention cards are used to represent both the possibility and degree of influence by the gods. These cards, with one exception, reference an aspect of a single Enaros, and possibly even the Enaros as a whole as well. This aspect reflects the type of influence the Enaros has chosen to exercise when the card is played. Additionally, each card is marked with a certain number of pips, rendered as small suns along the bottom of the card. As the number of pips increases, the amount of influence the Enaros exerts also increases.

From a skeptic’s eye, the greater the number of pips the more difficult it is to deny direct intervention. A one-pip card could most certainly be attributed to luck, and a two-pip card is just short of a miracle (arguably mundane – crazy things do happen). A three-pip card is almost undeniable, and if the conditions are right the Enaros may even be seen exercising their influence.

The play of a card is an opportunity for role-play. The player should assume the role of the specific Enaros singled out by the card and describe why the Enaros has chosen to interfere with these specific mortal affairs, and your character in particular. Playing a card does not represent your character calling upon the gods. It is certainly possible, especially if playing a tsverg, that you do not wish divine intervention. The Enaros are not really all that concerned with what your character believes or thinks (to a point), and they will intervene if they wish, possibly even in spite of your character. Some Enaros even have a certain amount of sympathy for the tsverg (again, to a point). So, assume the mantle of an Enaros, roleplay the god’s will, and have fun with the game.

A Sample Set Of Cards

Celestial Favor Cards (4-pips)

A Celestial Favor card has four pips on it, making it the most powerful card in the game. It can be attributed to any Enaros the player chooses at the time of play. No Celestial cards exist within a deck when a new campaign starts. Celestial cards are introduced for epic heroism, grand adventure, and the stuff of legends. When the card is played, it is absolutely undeniable as direct divine intervention. The Enaros will almost certainly be witnessed, and even after the favor is rendered the presence of the divine will continue to be felt.

When is a card awarded?

Players begin the campaign with 3 cards. Successful completion of an adventure results in a draw; approximately 1 card award per 10-15 experience points is appropriate. Additionally, the Sanctity of the adventure might provide additional card draws. Otherwise, good roleplaying, voluntary exercise of Complications in significant ways, and epic risk taking should all be rewarded with an extra card draw.

The Enaros however do not observe just anyone. If the players have yet to reach 100 character points there should be no Divine Favor cards in the deck. At 100 character points the GM should add 1 Divine Favor card to the deck, and add 1 for each addition 10 character points earned of experience. Thus, a Narosia campaign starting at the standard level of 150 character points would have 6 Divine Favor cards in the Common deck.

How Long Are the Cards Kept?

    Only the count of cards is tracked from session to session. New cards are drawn every session with the exception of Divine Favor cards. Divine Favor cards include Enaros cards (3-pips) and Celestial cards (4-pips).

How Are Cards be Played?

    The pips are the primary effect of the card, although the story with the card is also important. Every card played requires a story describing how the Enaros has chosen to influence the situation according to a specific aspect of the Enaros, and why – what is the Enaros’ motivation. If they are played to influence an action, they are generally played after the dice are rolled.

Game Master Veto

    There may be times when the play of the card is either inappropriate or could damage the game flow or plot. The GM has the final say whether a card can be used, although he should consider, especially if the story is good, that perhaps the Enaros meant for this to happen…. A good story that is vetoed should be rewarded with a bonus card if the story enhances the game.

Creative Non-Essential Card Play

    If a card is played in a way that has no impact on the characters’ success or the story fits perfectly (only the GM would know), the GM should award this story enhancement with a replacement draw of a card. This is a great way for players to replace their one-pip cards with something better.