
The following individuals are wanted by Firewall or the Consortium:

Janeel Dre, suspected current location: Nirvana
Kelton McFarlane suspected current location: Nirvana
Iris Li suspected current location: Nirvana
Leila Mosvani suspected current location: Nirvana
Rei Coronado, aka Elizabeth Erin, eco-terrorist and preservationist, suspected current location: Sky Ark

The following individuals are wanted by other organizations:
Suzanne Casson, who oversaw the secondary Futura site. Current Location: Tirion
Rael Duvalier, previous CEO of Somatek, owner of Tirion. Currently conducting experiments on uplifts, suspected to be breeding smart animals with async abilities. Current Location: Tirion

The following people and organizations are wanted by the Consortium:
Sapient Liberation Front, for theft of property. Activities focus on uplifts and smart-animals.

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