Negative Traits (Complications)


(Ego or Morph Trait)
Bonus: 5 CP (Minor), 10 CP (Moderate), or 20 CP (Major)
Addiction comes in two forms: mental (affecting the ego) and physical (affecting the biomorph).
Minor: If they fail to get their weekly dose, they suffer a –10 modifier on all actions until they get their fix.
Moderate: Apply a –20 modifier to all of the character’s actions until they get their fix. Additionally, a character with this level of addiction suffers a –5 DUR penalty.
Major: They face cravings every 6 hours, and suffer a –10 DUR penalty as their health is affected. If they fail to get their regular dosage, they suffer a –30 modifier on all actions until they do.


(Morph Trait)
Bonus: 10 CP
Reduce the character’s aptitude maximums by 5, and apply a –10 modifier on all physical actions. This trait may only be applied to flat and splicer morphs.

Bad Luck

Bonus: 30 CP
The gamemaster is given a pool of Moxie points equal to the character’s Moxie stat, which also refreshes at the same rate as the character’s Moxie. The gamemaster can use this bad Moxie to cause the character to automatically fail, flip-flop a roll, and so on. Gamemasters who might be reluctant to sabotage the character should remember that the player asked for it by purchasing this trait.


Bonus: 5 or 20 CP
In game terms, the character is barred from having a Rep score higher than 0 in one particular reputation network. The bonus for this trait is 20 CP if chosen for the rep network pertaining to the character’s own starting faction, and 5 CP if chosen for any other.

Black Mark

Bonus: 10 (Level 1), 20 (Level 2), or 30 (Level 3) CP
In game terms, the character picks one faction. Every time they interact with this faction (such as a Networking Test) or with an NPC from this faction (Social Skill Tests) who knows who the character is, they suffer a -10 modifier per level.

Combat Paralysis

Bonus: 20 CP
Anytime violence breaks out around the character, or they are surprised, the character must make a Willpower Test in order to act or respond in any way. If they fail the test, they lose their action and simply stand there, remaining incapable of reacting to the situation.

Edited Memories

Bonus: 10 CP
At some point in the character’s past, the character had certain memories strategically removed or otherwise lost to them. This is a tool the gamemaster can use to haunt the character at some future point with ghosts from their past.


Bonus: 10 CP
At some point in their past, the character made an enemy for life who continues to haunt them.


Bonus: 20 CP
The character is particularly weak with one aptitude. That aptitude must be purchased at a rating lower than 5, and may never be upgraded during character advancement. The aptitude maximum is 10, no matter what morph the character is wearing.


(Morph Trait)
Bonus: 10 (Level 1) or 20 (Level 2) CP
Its Durability is reduced by 5 per level. This also reduces Wound Threshold by 1 or 2, respectively.

Genetic Defect

(Morph Trait)
Bonus: 10 CP or 20 CP
The morph is not genefixed, and in fact suffers from a genetic disorder or other impairing mutation. A genetic disorder that creates minor complications and/or occasional health problems would be worth 10 CP, a defect that significantly impairs the character’s regular functioning or that inflicts chronic health problems is worth 20 CP. This trait is only available for flats.

Identity Crisis

Bonus: 10 CP
The character has difficulty identifying themselves in the mirror, photos, surveillance feeds, etc. They frequently forget the look and shape of their current morph, acting inappropriately, describing themselves by their original body, forgetting to duck when walking through doorways, etc. This is primarily a roleplaying trait, but the gamemaster may apply appropriate modifiers (usually –10) to tests affected by this inability to adapt.


Bonus: 10 CP
Reduce the character’s Language skills by half (round down) whenever reading or writing.

Immortality Blues

Bonus: 10 CP
The character only receives half the Moxie and Rez Points award for completing motivational goals. This trait may not be purchased by characters with the infolife or uplift backgrounds.

Implant Rejection

(Morph Trait)
Bonus: 5 (Level 1) or 15 (Level 2) CP
At Level 1, any implants acquired are more expensive as they required specialized anti-rejection treatments. Increase the Cost category of the implant by one. At Level 2, the morph cannot accept implants of any kind.


Bonus: 10 CP
The character is completely incapable of performing a particular chosen active skill, no matter any training they may receive. They may not buy this skill during character creation or later advancement, and the modifier for defaulting to the linked aptitude of this particular skill is –10. This may not be used for exotic weapon skills, and should be used for a skill that could be of use to the character.


(Morph Trait)
Bonus: 10 CP
This trait is only available for synthetic morphs. This particular morph has some unfixable flaws. Once per game session (preferably at a time that will maximize drama or hilarity), the gamemaster can call for the character to make a MOX x 10 Test (using their current Moxie score). If the character fails, the morph immediately suffers 1 wound resulting from some mechanical failure, electrical glitch, or other breakdown. This wound may be repaired as normal.

Low Pain Tolerance

(Ego or Morph Trait)
Bonus: 20 CP
Increase the modifier for each wound take by an additional –10 (so the character suffers –20 with one wound, –40 with another, and –60 with a third). Additionally, the character suffers a –30 modifier on any test involving pain resistance. This morph version of this trait is only available for biomorphs.

Mental Disorder

Bonus: 10 CP
You have a psychological disorder from a previous traumatic experience in your life. Choose one of the disorders listed on p. 211.

Mild Allergy

(Morph Trait)
Bonus: 5 CP
The morph is allergic to a specific chosen allergen (dust, dander, plant pollen, certain chemicals) and suffers mild discomfort when exposed to it (eye irritation, sneezing, difficult breathing). Apply a –10 modifier to all tests while the character remains exposed. This trait is only available for biomorphs.

Modified Behavior

Bonus: 5 (Level 1), 10 (Level 2), or 20 (Level 3) CP
At Level 1, the chosen behavior is either limited or boosted, at Level 2 it is either blocked or encouraged, and at Level 3 it is expunged or enforced (see p. 231 for details).

Morphing Disorder

Cost: 10 (Level 1), 20 (Level 2), or 30 (Level 3) CP
The character suffers a –10 modifier per level on Integration Tests and Alienation Tests (p. 272).

Neural Damage

Bonus: 10 CP
The character has suffered some type of neurological damage that simply cannot be cured. The affliction is now part of the character’s ego and remains with them even when remorphing.

No Cortical Stack

(Morph Trait)
Bonus: 10 CP
This means the character cannot be resleeved from the cortical stack if the character dies, they can only be resleeved from a standard backup. This trait is not available for flats.


Bonus: 10 CP
They suffer a –10 modifier to Surprise Tests and their modifier for being Distracted is –30 rather than the usual –20 (see Basic Perception, p. 190).

On the Run

Bonus: 10 CP
The character is wanted by the authorities of a particular habitat/station or faction, who continue to actively search for the character.

Psi Vulnerability

(Ego or Morph Trait)
Bonus: 10 CP
They suffer a –10 modifier when resisting such attacks. The morph version of this trait may only be taken by biomorphs.

Real World Naivete

Bonus: 10 CP
Once per game session, the gamemaster may intentionally mislead the character when giving them a description about some thing or some social interaction. This falsehood represents the character’s misunderstanding of the situation, and should be roleplayed appropriately, even if the player realizes the character’s mistake.

Severe Allergy

(Morph Trait)
Bonus: 10 (uncommon) or 20 (common) CP
The morph’s biochemistry suffers a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) when it comes into contact (touched, inhaled, or ingested) with a specific allergen. If exposed to the allergen, the character breaks into hives, has difficulty to breathing (–30 modifier to all actions), and must make a DUR Test or go into anaphylactic shock (dying of respiratory failure in 2d10 minutes unless medical care is applied). This trait is only available to biomorphs.

Slow Learner

Bonus: 10 CP
New skills are not easy for this character to pick up. The character takes twice as long as normal to improve skills or learn new ones (p. 152).

Social Stigma

(Ego or Morph Trait)
Bonus: 10 CP
In social situations where the character’s nature is known to someone who view that nature with distaste, fear, or repugnance, they suffer a –10 to –30 modifier (gamemaster’s discretion) to social skill tests.


Bonus: 10 CP
This character frightens easily. They suffer a –10 modifier when resisting fear or intimidation.


(Morph Trait)
Bonus: 10 CP (Level 1), 20 CP (Level 2), 30 CP (Level 3)
The character suffers a –10 modifier on social tests for Level 1, –20 for Level 2, and –30 for Level 3. Only biomorphs may take this trait. This modifier does not apply to interactions with xenomorphs or those with the infolife or uplift backgrounds. This modifier may be purchased for uplift morphs, but at half the bonus, and it is only effective against characters with that specific uplift background (i.e., neoavians, neo-hominids, etc.).

Uncanny Valley

(Morph Trait)
Bonus: 10 CP
Morphs whose looks fall into this range suffer a –10 modifier on social skill tests when dealing with humans. This modifier does not apply to interactions with xenomorphs or those with the infolife or uplift backgrounds.


(Morph Trait)
Bonus: 10 CP (Level 1), 20 CP (Level 2)
The morph is either not optimized for health and/or just in bad shape. Reduce the aptitude maximums for Coordination, Reflexes, and Somatics by 5 (Level 1) or 10 (Level 2).

VR Vertigo

Bonus: 10 CP
The character experiences intense vertigo and nausea when interfacing with any type of virtual reality, XP, or simulspace. Augmented reality has no effect, but VR inflicts a –30 modifier to all of the character’s actions. Prolonged use of VR (gamemaster’s discretion) may actually incapacitate the character should they fail a WIL x 2 Test.

Weak Immune System

(Morph Trait)
Bonus: 10 (Level 1) or 20 (Level 2) CP
At Level 1, apply a –10 modifier whenever making a test to resist infection or the effects of a toxin or drug. At Level 2, increase this modifier to –20. This trait is only available to biomorphs.

Zero-G Nausea

(Morph Trait)
Bonus: 10 CP
The character suffers a –10 modifier in any microgravity climate. Additionally, whenever the character is first getting acclimated or anytime they must endure excessive movement in microgravity, they must make a WIL Test or spend 1 hour incapacitated by nausea per 10 points of MoF.